台杉創投觀點:工業自動化AI系統發展現況及未來 Peter Thiel、楊致遠投資的矽谷AI新創來台分享(活動已結束)

矽谷AI新創公司眾多,專精工業自動化AI軟體系統的OSARO,是少數獲得Pay Pal創辦人Peter Thiel和雅虎創辦人楊致遠等知名投資人看好且投資的公司。為鏈結台灣產業與矽谷創新科技,台杉投資將於2月25日下午邀請具十多年自動化及製造業經驗的OSARO產品策略負責人Bastiane Huang擔任主講人,與來賓交流工業自動化AI軟體系統的發展現況及趨勢,歡迎您出席交流。



OSARO團隊多來自Berkeley, Stanford及MIT等名校,執行長Derik Pridmore是矽谷知名創投家,曾投資AlphaGo開發商Deep Mind並深入參與其營運。


Bastiane過去曾協助成立研華科技AI軟體業務,也曾任職Amazon 智能助理Alexa部門,目前負責Osaro產品策略。此外,她也深入參與哈佛商學院的「管理工作未來專案」(Project on Managing the Future of Work)AI及機械人計畫,經常在哈佛商業評論發表相關文章。



About the Speaker

Bastiane Huang leads product strategy at Osaro. She has a decade of experience in the automation and manufacturing industries. She drove the formation and growth of a new AI software business at Advantech, the world’s biggest industrial computer manufacturer. She was also an investor and advisor to early stage IoT and AI startups in the U.S. and Greater China, and previously worked as a Senior Product Manager at Amazon Alexa. Bastiane holds a B.S. in Information Management (2009) from National Taiwan University and an M.B.A in Technology and Entrepreneurship (2018) from Harvard Business School.




OSARO is a San Francisco-based machine learning compan

y, specializing in AI software for industrial automation. It offers integrated perception and control software for industrial scale robotic deployments (ASRS systems, auto manufacturing, food prep, and ecommerce). OSARO systems are compatible with various robots, sensors and existing integrator workflows for scalable, fault-tolerant robotic deployments. The company’s cloud-based data and GPU infrastructure is designed for the most flexible, intelligent picking system on the market. OSARO began deploying its first solution, OSARO Pick, in Japan in early 2018.